You've got your mind on your money and your money on your mind
We get it. That’s why FuelGauge is packed with features that will help you save your cold, hard cash. We’re so sure you’re gonna love it, we’re not even asking for your credit card up-front. Once you start using the ‘Gauge, you’ll be hooked. After that, you can pop your credit card number in for easy monthly payments and keep cranking up your productivity and profitability.

From day one, you’ll have access to ALL these features:

- The 'Gauge: Goal tracking and billing progress bar
- The Ice Box: House your "on hold" and "pending" projects
- Monthly financial summaries
- Drag and drop to move projects to a different week or month, or the Ice Box
- Manage project billing statuses
- Unlimited Projects: Add, edit, save, delete and duplicate
- Unlimited Project Categories
- Unlimited Clients
- Recurring Projects: Monthly, quarterly, or annually
- Assign projects to reps

- Historical insights
- Year-over-year graphical comparisons
- Monthly project summaries
- Compare revenue streams by category
- Net cash flow calculations by month and year
- Compare revenue by rep in chart or grid view

Complete Control
- Unlimited Projects, Categories, Clients, and Users
- Manage Monthly Goals
- Manage Project Data in Bulk
- Manage Fixed Expenses
- Import Projects & Users
- Export Data for Offline Reporting